Vivatmo me
Digitalized medicine: How asthmatics can optimize their self-management during the coronavirus pandemic
Bosch Healthcare Solutions
Digitalized medicine: How asthmatics can optimize their self-management during the coronavirus pandemic
- The elderly and people with underlying respiratory conditions such as COPD or asthma belong to the risk group during the coronavirus pandemic according to the guidance of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).
- Due to the current lockdown restrictions, many patients are no longer able to adhere to their routine course of treatment.
- The Vivatmo me breath analyser from Bosch Healthcare Solutions can help asthmatics monitor their illness at home. The measured values determined by the device can be shared by phone or digitally with the patient’s doctor.
Waiblingen – The coronavirus pandemic is currently causing uncertainty among a large part of the population. Especially the elderly and people with underlying respiratory conditions such as COPD or asthma belong to the risk group according to the guidance of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). Due to the current lockdown restrictions, many patients are no longer able to adhere to their routine course of treatment. The Vivatmo me breath analyser from Bosch Healthcare Solutions can help asthmatics monitor their illness at home. The measured values determined by the device can be shared by phone or digitally with the patient’s doctor, who can then adjust their therapy accordingly.
“Well controlled asthmatics are no more at risk from coronavirus than healthy people,” says Prof. Dr. med. Claus Neurohr, Head of the Department of Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine, Schillerhöhe Lung Clinic at the Robert Bosch Hospital in Stuttgart. “As long as patients regularly take their medication, they do not have a higher risk of becoming infected.”
This view is also shared by the pulmonary physicians of the Association of Pneumological Clinics (VPK). However, asthmatics – like all other people – should follow the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in order to keep the basic risk of infection as low as possible.
Doctors advise: Do not discontinue asthma medication without first consulting your doctor
Many asthmatics regularly need to use sprays containing cortisone, so-called inhalable corticosteroids (ICS). “No patient likes to take medication. Especially not cortisone, as it suppresses the patient’s immune system.” University Prof. Dr. med. Felix Herth, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine - Pneumology at Thoraxklinik – University Hospital of Heidelberg. However, he urges sufferers: “Asthmatics who have so far been treated with medication that contains cortisone should definitely continue this treatment while the pandemic lasts.” Experts agree that asthma symptoms can worsen if patients suddenly stop taking their medication or arbitrarily adjust their therapy. This should be avoided at all costs.
Ensuring good asthma control despite the lockdown
Regular doctor’s follow-ups and targeted self-management can help to optimize asthma therapy. Dr. med. Michael Barczok, specialist in pulmonary and internal medicine in Ulm explains: “In order to ensure patient care during this time, we are treating many of our patients via video consultation.” Home measurement using the Vivatmo me breath analyser from Bosch Healthcare Solutions can assist with therapy monitoring. It measures the inflammatory marker nitric oxide in the patient’s exhaled breath (fractionated exhaled nitric oxide; FeNO). Elevated values indicate an allergic inflammatory event in the lower airways. “Monitoring of allergic respiratory tract inflammation is currently done exclusively by means of FeNO measurement. The value determined in this way helps us to check the duration and dosage of the cortisone treatment and adjust it if necessary,” Prof. Dr. med. Herth explains.
With Vivatmo me, patients can measure their FeNO value themselves in a matter of minutes. The measured values are displayed as a monthly overview in the accompanying diary app and can be shared with the patient’s doctor by e-mail. Dr. med. Barczok: “During the coronavirus crisis, patient self-monitoring supports therapy management. Doctors can consult with their patients via video link and discuss their general state of health and their FeNO readings. This reassures the patients because they are aware of their FeNO values and know that their treatment is working.” Asthmatics will be able to continue to benefit from home measuring devices even when the coronavirus pandemic is behind us. Doctors can actively involve their patients in planning their treatment and like this give them greater confidence in coping with the disease.
On the website, Bosch Healthcare Solutions has put together frequently asked questions and answers concerning asthma and home measurement, as well as information about coronavirus and asthma.
About Bosch Healthcare
Bosch Healthcare Solutions GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH. The subsidiary was established in 2015 with the aim of developing innovative products and services in the area of health and medical technology that improve the quality of people’s lives and help to optimize the delivery of healthcare to people all over the world. These include the products Bosch Vivalytic as the new all-in-one solution for molecular laboratory diagnostics and Bosch Vivatmo me for home measurement of FeNO values. With our technology “Invented for life” we create innovative solutions that make life tangibly better for everyone.
About Vivatmo me
Vivatmo me is the world’s first FeNO measuring device for home use. The patient measuring device helps asthmatics feel more confident and in control of their therapy. Vivatmo me determines the FeNO value in exhaled air, which indicates the current degree of inflammation in the airways. This is used to determine how severe the allergic inflammation is in the lungs. Doctors can use it to monitor whether the right amount of medication is being prescribed or taken correctly and regularly. FeNO-based monitoring of symptoms supports therapy management and can help to reduce the frequency of asthma attacks. On the website, you can find more information about asthma and home FeNO measurement. Asthmatics have the possibility to apply for a free product test.
About Vivalytic
Vivalytic is a universal platform for molecular diagnostics that enables various laboratory tests to be performed swiftly and in a fully automated manner. The platform unites a unique spectrum of test possibilities on one device. A sample can be tested for one or more parameters simultaneously. The new, fully automated COVID-19 rapid test can also be used on the analyser.
About the Bosch Group
The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services with some 410,000 associates worldwide (as at December 31, 2018). It generated operating sales of 78.5 billion euros in fiscal 2018. Its operations are divided into four business sectors: Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods and Energy and Building Technology. As a leading provider in the Internet of Things (IoT), Bosch offers innovative solutions for Smart Home, Smart City, Connected Mobility and Industry 4.0. With its expertise in sensors, software, and services, as well as its own IoT cloud, the company is able to offer its customers networked and cross-domain solutions from a single source. The strategic goal of the Bosch Group is to provide solutions for connected life. With innovative and inspiring products and services, Bosch improves people’s quality of life worldwide. Bosch offers technology “Invented for life”. The Bosch Group comprises Robert Bosch GmbH and its approximately 460 subsidiaries and regional companies in more than 60 countries. Including trade and service partners, Bosch's global manufacturing, development, and sales network extends to almost every country in the world. The basis for future growth is the innovative power of the company. Bosch employs 68,700 associates in research and development at some 130 locations worldwide. More information at,,,